The Acadia Program is a Youth Stabilization Housing program which prioritizes young people between the ages of 17 – 24 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

COMING SOON: Foundry Kamloops will be an integrated youth access hub offering 5 primary streams of service.

The Mobile Crisis Outreach Response for Youth, a partnership between ICS and the City of Kamloops, addresses gaps in after-hours services for at-risk youth involved in street-level activities

A Safe place for 2SLGBTQIAP+ (Two Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, pansexual, and so many more!) youth & their allies to connect, celebrate & honour themselves, and receive education & supports.

Assisting young people with learning how to cook healthy and nutritious meals and snacks!

The Youth Justice (Kamloops) – Case Aid (Merritt) Program seeks to respectfully join with youth involved in the criminal justice system to develop strategies that will enhance their lives and assist them in making positive life choices.

Youth Living Programs are therapeutic model homes for youth who cannot remain in their home. They are generally single-staffed resources with additional support staff as needed.

The Teen Center is a safe place where youth can overcome barriers, build positive relationships, develop confidence and learn skills for life.

The Reconnect Program provides individual and family coaching, assessment and advocacy to youth who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness due to breakdown with family and natural supports.

The Youth Street Outreach Program provides outreach services to homeless and at risk youth and facilitates early identification and crisis intervention.

Contact Us

If you or someone you know needs assistance in one of Interior Community Services’ program areas, or if you are interested in contributing to our mission, please contact us today. Together, we can enrich lives and strengthen communities.

If you’re looking for a different type of assistance or support, learn more here.