Acadia Place

Offered in

Acadia Place provides long-term subsidized housing for low income individuals at below-market rent. Some of the bachelor units in the apartment building have been identified for use as youth transitional housing accessed through ICS Acadia Place Program. The building is located in the downtown core of Kamloops accessible to all amenities. There is no reserved parking on site, no laundry facilities, and no elevators.

The housing is offered through a partnership with BC Housing Management Corporation.

Non-smoking and pet restriction policies are in effect within the building.

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Who Is Eligible?

  • People with disabilities who can live independently and are in receipt of a recognized disability pension or are considered disabled for income tax purposes
  • Seniors defined as a single person age 55 and older
  • Single people with low incomes who are homeless or at risk of homelessness and who do not meet the definition of senior or persons with disabilities
  • All applicants must meet BC Housing residency requirements, income and assets requirements and have a satisfactory tenant history.
  • Some bachelor units are available for youth transitional housing within the Acadia Place Program

How to Refer

  • Apply online at
  • As the demand for housing exceeds the number of units available, it is not possible to predict when an applicant may receive an offer of accommodation. Different housing providers often have different criteria for prioritizing applicants, examples include:
    • Chronological, date by application
    • A point system to determine which applicants are in the greatest need

Want to discuss this program?

Please contact us at for more information on this program.

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