Food Access Programs
Offered in
The Mount Paul Community Food Centre is proud to champion a series of food access programs. All programs are based out of centre located at 140 Laburnum Street in Kamloops.
Programs Include:
- Community Meals: Everyone is welcome for this no-cost, dine-in meal. Mondays and Thursdays, 12-1pm.
- The Market: Affordable produce market featuring locally sourced vegetables and fruits. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10-2 pm.
- Community Pantry: frozen soups and smoothies are available as takeaways.
- Produce Boxes: Pre-packed local produce boxes available during the Market. A $25 value for $10 fee (seasonal).
- Sharing Table: Available when the CFC receives extra donations of fresh produce and fruit during Market hours.
- Seed Library Pop Up: A portion of the seed library available creating a space for sharing local seeds. Offered in partnership with the Kamloops Food Policy Council.
- Food Recovery: Volunteers participate in recovering and preparing weekly donations that the CFC brings in for programs.
- Hamper deliveries: In partnership with the Kamloops Food Bank, the CFC is able to deliver food hampers to those seniors with mobility concerns who are not able to attend the Food Bank.
- Grocery Shopping Assistance: Under the Better at Home Program, seniors are offered assistance in shopping both over the phone and in person on Thursdays through Safeway on the North Shore.
- Meals on Wheels: Frozen, low-cost meals are delivered on Tuesdays and Thursdays to seniors who place their own orders. Meals range from $6-$10. The program is delivered in partnership with the Centre for Seniors Information.
- Farmers Market Nutritional Coupons: Seniors who are living with a low income, are able to receive coupons to use at the Kamloops Farmers Market. Space is limited.

Who Is Eligible?
Everyone is eligible to take part!
How to Refer
No Referral Required
Want to discuss this program?
Please contact us at for more information on this program.